As soon as you receive your package please verify that the product you received is what you ordered.

If it is not what you ordered, meaning we shipped the wrong product, then contact us at RETURNS to receive an RMA (return merchandise authorization number) so that we may begin the process of correcting our mistake. Shipping will be paid by us. Once we receive the returned product we will ship the correct product to you ASAP.

If it is a mistake on your part, meaning you ordered the wrong product, then contact us at RETURNS. You have a few options: 1- You may want to keep it and have it on hand in case you or someone else may use it in the future. 2- You may want to return it back to us for a refund, shipping cost back to us would be your responsibility. 3- You want to return it for the correct product in which case you would be responsible for the shipping cost back to us in addition to the shipping of the new the product plus or minus any difference in the retail/Sale price.

If the product received is damaged then contact us at RETURNS for store credit or a cash refund.

Unless the product was received damaged then the product being returned must be in "new, unaltered and unused condition"

All returns and or Refunds must be requested with in 5 days of receipt of product.

All Refunds are contingent upon inspection of product (s) once we receive it.

DX Ham Radio Supply LLC
639 East Church St.
Leesville, SC 29070