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As long as the internet is open we are open. The website never shuts down. But we as humans do. Which brings me to our Customer Service Hours of Operation.

E-MAIL: Is the best and fastest way to contact us. First we only have a few addresses not 5 to 10 like some websites. I can't afford to pay that many associates. Now because this is my business all e-mails come to me first so I know at all times what is happening with the business. Based on the nature of the email I will forward it to the appropriate person that will handle the issue. I am also BCC on all replies back to the originator of the e-mail. [email protected]

HOURS: We are in or around the office during the hours of 8 AM till 6 PM EST Monday thru Friday ---- Saturday 8 AM till 1 PM. Sunday no one is in the office. Take Note, during Non Office Hours including Sunday e-mail is checked for messages and answered as often as possible into the evening if necessary.

CELL PHONE: AREA Code 803-719-1638, Comes right to me. I use it mainly to get e-mail messages and at times check for orders. I do not answer my cell phone while I am driving. If I am on the phone with someone I don't ask them to hold they have my undivided attention as you will when I speak to you. If I don't answer then Leave a "Detailed" message, First Name your phone number and email address and most important the reason you are calling. If you leave this information then when I call you back or email you (if warranted) I will have your answer. I will return all calls as soon as possible.

TEXT MESSAGE: 803-719-1683 Quickest method for short inquires involving website, ordering issues or product questions. For more detailed inquires please email us.

As always contact us here at [email protected] If you have questions