Home > All Assemblies > Jumper Assemblies > Belden Jumper Assemblies
We found 71 results matching your criteria.
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Belden 8214-RG-8U Jumpers Belden 8237-RG-8 Jumpers Belden 8259 RG-58 Jumpers Belden 8267 RG-213 Jumpers
Belden 9011 RG-11 Jumpers Belden 9116 RG-6 Jumpers Belden 9258 RG-8X Jumpers Belden 9913 RG-8U Jumpers
Belden 9913F7 LL Jumpers Belden 8267 RG-213 Jumpers


Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint wireless antenna communication; Wireless microphones, Two-Way Radios, Amateur (Ham) Radio, Low Power FM, GPS, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)

Belden 8214 RG-8/U RG-8/U type, 11 AWG stranded (7x19) .108" bare copper conductor, foam polyethylene insulation, bare copper braid shield (95% coverage), PVC jacket.
Belden 8237 RG-8 RG-8 type, 13 AWG stranded (7x21) .085" bare copper conductor, polyethylene insulation, bare copper braid shield (95% coverage), PVC jacket.
Belden 8259 RG-58 RG-58A/U type, 20 AWG stranded (19x33) .035" tinned copper conductor, polyethylene insulation, tinned copper braid shield (95% coverage), PVC jacket.
Belden 8267 RG-213 13 AWG stranded (7x21) .089" bare copper conductor, polyethylene Insulation, bare copper braid shield (96% coverage), non-contaminating PVC jacket.
Belden 9011 RG-11 Series 11, 75 OHM 14 AWG solid .064" BCCS conductor, gas-injected foam polyethylene insulation, Duofoil® (100% coverage) + aluminum braid shield (40% coverage), PVC jacket.
Belden 9116 RG-6 Series 6, (75 OHM) 18 AWG solid .040" bare copper-covered steel conductor, gas-injected foam polyethylene insulation, Duobond® II + aluminum braid shield (60% coverage), PVC jacket.
Belden 9258 RG-8X RG-8X type, 16 AWG stranded (19x29) .058" bare copper conductor, gas-injected FPE insulation, bare copper braid shield (95% coverage), PVC jacket.
Belden 9913 RG-8U 10 AWG solid .108" bare copper conductor, semi-solid polyethylene insulation, Duobond II® + tinned copper braid shield (90% coverage), PVC jacket.
Belden 9913F7 LL RG-8/U type, 10 AWG stranded (7x19) .108" bare copper conductor, gas-injected foam HDPE insulation, Duobond II ® + tinned copper braid shield (95% coverage), Belflex® jacket.
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Belden 8214 Belden 8214 Belden 8214 Belden 8214
Belden 8214-RG-8U 3FT Jumper Assembly
Our price: $40.65
Sale Price: $38.65
Savings: $2.00
Belden 8214-RG-8U 6FT Jumper Assembly
Our price: $50.07
Sale Price: $47.60
Savings: $2.47
Belden 8214-RG-8U 9FT Jumper Assembly
Our price: $59.48
Sale Price: $56.48
Savings: $3.00
RG-8/U type, 11 AWG stranded (7x19) .108" bare copper conductor, foam polyethylene insulation, bare copper braid shield (95% coverage), PVC jacket RG-8/U type, 11 AWG stranded (7x19) .108" bare copper conductor, foam polyethylene insulation, bare copper braid shield (95% coverage), PVC jacket RG-8/U type, 11 AWG stranded (7x19) .108" bare copper conductor, foam polyethylene insulation, bare copper braid shield (95% coverage), PVC jacket RG-8/U type, 11 AWG stranded (7x19) .108" bare copper conductor, foam polyethylene insulation, bare copper braid shield (95% coverage), PVC jacket
Belden 8214 Belden 8214 Belden 8214 Belden 8214
Belden 8214-RG-8U 15FT Jumper Assembly
Our price: $78.31
Sale Price: $75.31
Savings: $3.00
Belden 8214-RG-8U 20FT Jumper Assembly
Our price: $93.99
Sale Price: $88.99
Savings: $5.00
RG-8/U type, 11 AWG stranded (7x19) .108" bare copper conductor, foam polyethylene insulation, bare copper braid shield (95% coverage), PVC jacket RG-8/U type, 11 AWG stranded (7x19) .108" bare copper conductor, foam polyethylene insulation, bare copper braid shield (95% coverage), PVC jacket RG-8/U type, 11 AWG stranded (7x19) .108" bare copper conductor, foam polyethylene insulation, bare copper braid shield (95% coverage), PVC jacket RG-8/U type, 11 AWG stranded (7x19) .108" bare copper conductor, foam polyethylene insulation, bare copper braid shield (95% coverage), PVC jacket
Belden 8267 RG-213 Belden 8267 RG-213 Belden 8267 RG-213 Belden 8267 RG-213
Belden 8267 RG-213 9FT Jumper Assembly
Our price: $45.55
Sale Price: $43.55
Savings: $2.00
13 AWG stranded (7x21) .089" bare copper conductor, polyethylene Insulation, bare copper braid shield (96% coverage), non-contaminating PVC jacket. 13 AWG stranded (7x21) .089" bare copper conductor, polyethylene Insulation, bare copper braid shield (96% coverage), non-contaminating PVC jacket. 13 AWG stranded (7x21) .089" bare copper conductor, polyethylene Insulation, bare copper braid shield (96% coverage), non-contaminating PVC jacket. 13 AWG stranded (7x21) .089" bare copper conductor, polyethylene Insulation, bare copper braid shield (96% coverage), non-contaminating PVC jacket.
Belden-8237 Belden-8237 Belden-8237 Belden-8237
Belden-8237-RG-8-12FT Jumper Assembly
Our price: $85.43
Sale Price: $82.43
Savings: $3.00
Belden-8237-RG-8-18FT Jumper Assembly
Our price: $112.52
Sale Price: $108.52
Savings: $4.00
Belden-8237-RG-8-20FT Jumper Assembly
Our price: $121.55
Sale Price: $116.55
Savings: $5.00
RG-8 type, 13 AWG stranded (7x21) .085" bare copper conductor, polyethylene insulation, bare copper braid shield (95% coverage), PVC jacket.
RG-8 type, 13 AWG stranded (7x21) .085" bare copper conductor, polyethylene insulation, bare copper braid shield (95% coverage), PVC jacket.
RG-8 type, 13 AWG stranded (7x21) .085" bare copper conductor, polyethylene insulation, bare copper braid shield (95% coverage), PVC jacket.
RG-8 type, 13 AWG stranded (7x21) .085" bare copper conductor, polyethylene insulation, bare copper braid shield (95% coverage), PVC jacket.