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Belden 9913 RG-8U

The Belden 9913 is a low-loss, 50-ohm coaxial cable designed for high-frequency signal transmission, commonly used in applications such as wireless communications, amateur radio, and antenna connections.

Key Specifications:

  • Conductor: 10 AWG solid bare copper with a diameter of 0.108 inches.
    Insulation: Semi-solid polyethylene with a nominal diameter of 0.285 inches.
    Shielding: First layer: Duobond® II tri-laminate tape (aluminum-polyester-aluminum) providing 100% coverage.
    Second layer: 90% tinned copper braid.
    Jacket: PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) with an overall nominal diameter of 0.405 inches.

  • Electrical Characteristics:

    • Characteristic Impedance: 50 ohms.
    • Nominal Capacitance: 24.6 pF/ft.
    • Nominal Velocity of Propagation: 84%.
    • Attenuation (dB per 100 feet):
      • 5 MHz: 0.4
      • 50 MHz: 1.0
      • 100 MHz: 1.4
      • 400 MHz: 2.6
      • 1000 MHz: 4.4
  • Power Rating:

    • 5 MHz: 4,021 W
    • 100 MHz: 1,149 W
    • 400 MHz: 619 W
    • 1000 MHz: 366 W
  • Mechanical Characteristics:

    • Operating Temperature Range: -30°C to +75°C.
    • Minimum Bend Radius: 4 inches.
    • Maximum Pulling Tension: 292 lbs.
    • Bulk Cable Weight: 97 lbs per 1000 feet.

For applications above 1 GHz, Belden recommends using alternatives such as 7810R, 7810A, 9913F7, or 9914.

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Belden B9913 Coax Belden B9913 Coax Belden B9913 Coax Belden B9913 Coax
Belden 9913 RG-8U - 50 OHM Low Loss / Semi Solid 25 FT
Our price: $65.80
Sale Price: $63.80
Savings: $2.00
Belden 9913 RG-8U - 50 OHM Low Loss / Semi Solid 50 FT
Our price: $131.60
Sale Price: $128.60
Savings: $3.00
Belden 9913 RG-8U - 50 OHM Low Loss / Semi Solid 100 FT
Our price: $263.20
Sale Price: $258.20
Savings: $5.00
25FT - RG-8U - 10 AWG solid .108" bare copper conductor, semi-solid polyethylene insulation, Duobond II® + tinned copper braid shield (90% coverage), PVC jacket. 50FT - RG-8U - 10 AWG solid .108" bare copper conductor, semi-solid polyethylene insulation, Duobond II® + tinned copper braid shield (90% coverage), PVC jacket. 75FT - RG-8U - 10 AWG solid .108" bare copper conductor, semi-solid polyethylene insulation, Duobond II® + tinned copper braid shield (90% coverage), PVC jacket. 100FT - RG-8U - 10 AWG solid .108" bare copper conductor, semi-solid polyethylene insulation, Duobond II® + tinned copper braid shield (90% coverage), PVC jacket.
Belden B9913 Coax Belden B9913 Coax Belden B9913 Coax Belden B9913 Coax
Belden 9913 RG-8U - 50 OHM Low Loss / Semi Solid 125 FT
Our price: $329.00
Sale Price: $322.00
Savings: $7.00
Belden 9913 RG-8U - 50 OHM Low Loss / Semi Solid 150 FT
Our price: $394.80
Sale Price: $386.80
Savings: $8.00
Belden 9913 RG-8U - 50 OHM Low Loss / Semi Solid 250 FT
Our price: $658.00
Sale Price: $643.00
Savings: $15.00
125FT - RG-8U - 10 AWG solid .108" bare copper conductor, semi-solid polyethylene insulation, Duobond II® + tinned copper braid shield (90% coverage), PVC jacket. 150FT - RG-8U - 10 AWG solid .108" bare copper conductor, semi-solid polyethylene insulation, Duobond II® + tinned copper braid shield (90% coverage), PVC jacket.
RG-8U - 10 AWG solid .108" bare copper conductor, semi-solid polyethylene insulation, Duobond II® + tinned copper braid shield (90% coverage), PVC jacket.
250FT - RG-8U - 10 AWG solid .108" bare copper conductor, semi-solid polyethylene insulation, Duobond II® + tinned copper braid shield (90% coverage), PVC jacket.
Belden B9913 Coax Belden B9913 Coax Belden B9913 Coax
Belden 9913 RG-8U - 50 OHM Low Loss / Semi Solid 500 FT
Our price: $1,316.00
Sale Price: $1,291.00
Savings: $25.00
350FT - RG-8U - 10 AWG solid .108" bare copper conductor, semi-solid polyethylene insulation, Duobond II® + tinned copper braid shield (90% coverage), PVC jacket. 500FT - RG-8U - 10 AWG solid .108" bare copper conductor, semi-solid polyethylene insulation, Duobond II® + tinned copper braid shield (90% coverage), PVC jacket. Belden 9913 RG-8U, "Sold By The Foot" Just enter the total number of feet needed in the Qty Box